Things I’ve Googled

Happy Friday! What a funny week it’s been. It was 70 degrees on Tuesday and then yesterday, we woke up to a winter wonderland of snow. Northern Nevada weather is always unpredictable that way and just crazy enough to dominate all conversations while in line at the market. People’s distraught reactions crack me up, “But I planted my kale!” It happens every year, and yet, we all seem to forget. As I wrote to a friend, many thanks to mother nature for the subtle reminder to take one day at a time. Here are a few things I Googled this week:

Where to put your purse when you are out to dinner
We went out to dinner with some friends last weekend and I carried a clutch. As I sat down it occurred to me, I wasn’t confident about the proper etiquette on where to keep it while we ate. Typically, my bags (<– diaper bag, let’s be honest) are sturdy enough to place on the floor. Sometimes I have placed it behind me, between my seat and the back of the chair. But that night, I just leaned it against the leg of my chair. Lauren Conrad dishes out the following advice in her Ladylike Laws: Restaurant Dining post: “Believe it or not, you’re not supposed to hang your purse over the back of your chair. I was pretty surprised to learn this. Apparently, you should either leave it on your lap or place it at your feet. And never, ever put your purse on the table. As for our male counterparts, wallets, keys and phones should not be piled onto the table either.”  #themoreyouknow

What to do when you accidentally wash a diaper
Wednesday night, Jim was moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer and came in to casually let me know that I had washed a diaper. He’s so calm. So cool. Thank goodness one of us is. Before turning to Google, I pounded my fists on the lid of the washing machine cursing my stupidity. Inside was a big gel goopy mess. If you’ve been there, you know. I quickly texted my wise friend, Lindsey who always has all the answers and then consulted this helpful (and funny) post. “Accepting the fact that you screwed up immediately will get the job done quicker.” Truth. By the time we took the photo above, we could even laugh about it.

How does one spend time with the monks?
I know, this one is super random. But after reminiscing in this post, and the girls’ recent discovery of the word ECHO! in our house (ECHO!) I was honestly curious about Monk life. Turns out, you can enroll in this Monk for a Month cultural immersion program in India, Nepal or Cambodia. I’m not there yet, but it’s interesting to know.

Hope you have a great weekend. Look for a recap of my 30 day challenge coming on Monday. xo


Things I’ve Googled is an ongoing series and comes from one of the standard questions Jim and I ask each other when we get home. Often, it’s a good indicator of where our minds have wandered off to in the middle of the day and the topics usually make us laugh. So consider this part educational. Part oversharing. Part nonsense. Completely random.

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